If a silhouette appears for a specific variant, than that image still is not in use. now, however, many of those images are once again in use. as explained on page 280 of Technical Readout: 3039, from an “in-universe” perspective, all of those images were “upgraded” in look at feel to images that could be used (see the Project Phoenix section of Technical Readout: 3085). Silhouettes: starting in 1996, for various reasons, the use of numerous battleMech images within the BattleTech universe were discontinued (their names and game stats remained, only their visual representation was omitted). Hyperlinks off of each unit name in the ToC will enable players to instantly move to a given section, or to the start of a given unit’s record sheets. To better ease this transition, this record sheet volume is organized like its corresponding Technical Readout.

However, this often ignored the organization of the corresponding Technical Readout, creating disconnect for players moving from a Technical Readout to a record sheet volume to find the unit they’re looking for. Previous record sheet volumes grouped all unit types together and then organized per tonnage. RECORD SHEETS: 3060/section00: Table of ConTenTs nOTES