Place the slices over the hot coals and cook until charred (tomatoes and onions will char in the dry pan as well). Remove tomato and onion from the marinade, allowing excess oil to drip off, reserving marinade. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with the olive oil. Arrange the onion and tomato slices in one layer on a cookie sheet or in a roasting pan, and sprinkle with garlic and thyme. Serve as appetizer with sharp cheese, crackers and white wine.Prepare a medium-hot grill (if cooking indoors, preheat a cast-iron sauté pan until it is very hot). Check for doneness: The outside should have a dark bronze glazed look and the meat should flake easily. If you have access to the whole fennel plant, try using the dry stems to supplement your wood smoke. Also sprinkle liberally with either oregano or fennel (leaves or seeds, fresh or dry) or with both.

Place skin side down on wire racks and sprinkle liberally with coarse ground pepper. Leave at room temperature for 1 to 4 hours, rinse briefly, and allow to air dry for about an hour while you prepare the smoker.

When ready to smoke, thaw and layer fillets in a glass baking dish covering each layer with kosher salt. Freezing ruptures cells and the fish smoke better. The French would use the herb, then put the stalks on the cooking fire for more flavor. The association of oily fish and fennel goes back for centuries. This is the tall herb that grows wild around here and tastes like licorice not the Florence fennel with the big root. We also found that fennel compliments blue and other oily fish.
They were fun to catch but then we had to figure out how to make them palatable. Here in Virginia, Bluefish took over the Chesapeake Bay about 20 years ago and ate up all of the good fish. Recipe by: Dan Gill Posted to bbq-digest by Dan Gill on Dec 17, 1998, NOTES Serve as appetizer with sharp cheese, crackers and white wine.